The Wharf Fishery is an old dock situated in the centre of Cardiff. It is 30 acres in size and goes to 23ft deep. The lake has been run as a club for around two years now and is home to some of the most sought-after fish in wales and boasts a few 30lb plus originals and a lake record of 47lbs plus. The lake held around 80 original fish and was then stocked with a further 100 fish, of which are all doing well, darkening up and piling on the weight.
FISHERY: The Wharf Fishery
STOCK: 180 Carp
SIZE: 30 acres
PRICE: Full Season Ticket £250 (New Membership Fee £25)
HEAD BALIFF: Daniel Caylor
The Wharf will be unlike anything you have fished before and probably the most snaggy. There are all sorts of debris littered on the dock’s bottom, so a strong line is essential. The fish move quickly and an ‘off the barrow’ approach for the start of your session is advisable. The fish are used to seeing a lot of bait but feeding the gulls will go against you. Like anywhere you should feel for a drop and have an idea what you are fishing over, and above all be respectful as this is urban fishing and you represent the fishery.

Like every other lake, location is key. On the wharf the fish move around a lot and being on the fish is important to catch numbers of fish. Setting up before dark will go in your favour and will give you the best in sight of where the fish are.

Fish for One Bite at a Time
Fish for a bite at a time, the fish are fed through a baiting programme so there is always bait in the lake, top the spot up after every bite to keep the fish there.

With the fish being fed on pellets, adding pellet in the mix is also a good tactic due to them associating it as safe food.

Match the Hatch
Sometimes a match the hatch wafter or a bottom bait can pick up the warier fish especially around autumn after they’ve been hammered on bright baits all year.
- Fishing directly outside of County Hall is NOT allowed from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. You are not allowed to set up a bivvy during these times. Fishing this area during the no fishing period will result in an instant warning. Where the council steps meet the new flats is okay
- Anyone under the age of 18 needs to be accompanied by an adult
- BARBLESS HOOKS ONLY – expect rig checks
- NO fishing the fountains area or the canal feeders
- NO fishing the square
- “Fish at all costs” – Fish welfare comes before hooking them… If you are fishing over thick weed beds with little hope of landing them then do not fish for them. Please do be upset if you’re asked to reel in a rod
- Permit holders are entitled to fish the water for the period for which their permit applies, except for dates when the fish are spawning. Such dates will be posted on the members page
- Fishing opposite each other – the person who was there first commands 2/3 of the water, therefore leaving 1/3 to the angler who has just arrived
- NO fishing over weedbeds
- A single angler may fish with a maximum of three rods provided that he/she is in possession of the appropriate E.A. licences
- No swims may be altered without the consent of a bailiff
- Climbing of trees is not permitted
- No rowing boats of any description are allowed on the water other than the authorised use of a boat by the bailiffs in the course of their duties
- Strictly no wading. The dock bottom is very unpredictable. Work parties – If waders are required for maintenance work, then people are to work in pairs
- Please leave a minimum of 1.5m gap on the pathway so that pedestrians with pushchairs can pass. This 1.5m rule also applies to the business shop fronts underneath the columns. Please do not be upset if you are asked to re-pitch your bivvy
- Take all litter home, anglers are responsible for any potential litter found in their chosen swim
- NO urinating up walls
- All anglers must carry and use a good quality unhooking mat. Most cradle, beanie bag & combi style mats are perfect. Please do not be upset if told to buy a more suitable unhooking mat. Anglers must also be in possession of a weigh sling and antiseptic treatment. Sacking of fish is permitted for a maximum of 1/2 hour
- Carp Care Kits – every angler must have one
- The mass use of nut baits is not permitted, any use of nuts including hookbaits is only permitted under the approval of management
- No guns, crossbows or weapons of any kind are allowed on the property
- No open fires to be lit on the property
- No swims can be reserved by any means. Anglers considered to be reserving swims, especially communicating by mobile phone with anglers not already at the lake, risk being banned from the fishery
- While you’re fishing: Unruly or abusive behaviour (verbal or physical) between individuals or groups of anglers, towards the fishery management property or personnel, other wharf users or members of the public will be deemed to be a gross rule infringement. All members must (at the discretion of the bailiff) conduct themselves in a sportsman-like manner, with respect to all dock users, and observe good angling etiquette
- An angler may be absent from his/her swim for a maximum of 4 hours and off site for a maximum of 2 hours in any 24hr period. Please note: stalking whilst occupying a permanent swim is allowed with one rod only and only when space permits. This must not interfere with another anglers fishing and is allowed at the bailiff’s discretion
- No angler’s baited rods must be left unattended. This includes ‘walking out’ of lines to clip up, if other lines remain in the water. It is not acceptable to leave rods under the control of another angler who is already fishing
- Wound-in rods must not be left unattended without the hook bait being removed
- All leaders are banned which includes all leadcore, safety zone and fluoro leaders (ie no knot above the hooklink), tubing is optional
- All leads must be on a lead drop off system , lead clips are fine. The only exception to this rule is running leads, which must have no bolt rig setup stops above the lead
- The management shall have the right to inquire into, and take the appropriate action in the event of an alleged infringement of the rules in accordance with the current bailiff guidelines, which are published on the fishery website
- Rule infringements. Annual permits holders warned for rule breaking could have their permit withdrawn
- Random checks will be made with regard to permits, memberships, licences, rigs and bait. Please do not take offence if you are asked for a rig check by a bailiff
- Your permit remains the property of The Wharf Fishery and is non-transferable
- Should you lose your permit a replacement will be supplied following payment of a 5 Pound administrative fee
- All permit holders are expected to attend at least one work party out of the planned yearly work schedule