Christchurch is a syndicate water based in Oxfordshire on the Linch Hill complex and has always been a firm favourite with anglers. Over the years the lake has matured with plenty of trees & reeds so if it’s peace you want, look no further. Christchurch was once the home to the famous ‘Petals’ but now holds residents such as ‘The Ironing Board’, ‘Scar’ and some other mighty fine commons.
FISHERY: Linch Hill
SIZE: 9 acres
STOCK: Approximately 150 carp
LAKE RECORD: 49lb Mirror
BACK UP STOCK: Over 18 Forties and 50 Thirties
PRICE: Price upon request, waiting list in operation
CONTACT: Nick 07833130041
‘The fish can be very catchable at any time of the year, but making sure that everything is bang on is so important. Try and get on the fish, find a nice spot and bait accurately. In the spring, don’t be afraid to use the chods, they work and very well too.’

Use Small Hookbaits
These fish are very pressured and can be hard to catch at times. I like to use small hookbaits, either 12mm baits or trimmed down wafters.

They Love Krill
Over the past three-years the lake has been completely dominated by Krill. They absolutely love it and my best advice would be to wash it out a day before you go fishing and break it up in your hands before you apply it. They can shy off round, fresh bait at times.

Slack Line
I make sure that the line is pinned down as much as I can. Add some putty up the mainline and sink your line well, if they suss you are there, they will be hard to catch.

Don’t Forget your Floater Gear
Once the weather warms up, don’t forget the floaters. They absolutely love them and can often be the only way to get a bite in the summer.
- Always dip your Nets, Mats & Slings in our Dip Tank before going to the lake
- The use of 3 rods is allowed on Christchurch & Willow, if the lake is crowded the 3rd rod must be in the margins
- NO sacks or keep nets
- NO long shank hooks or fixed lead rigs
- NO baitboats on Christchurch or Willow
- NO Zig Rigs, Maggots, Casters or Peanuts are to be used! Other particles should be prepared properly & checked with the bailiff
- NO DOGS, Airguns, Firearms, Swimming or Fires allowed anywhere on the complex
- Take your litter home