Cap Oil is made up of a blend of different fish oils with the added addition of the potent capsicum extract, one of the spiciest liquids known to man!

As a result of the mixture of refined cod liver oil and premium blended fish oils, Cap Oil is best used in the warmer months of the year. The deep red liquid will give any mix a kick, and as an added bonus your spot will produce a prominent oil slick when the fish are feeding, giving you an early indication that a bite could be imminent.

Cap Oil is a great bait soak, and being a thin liquid, it soaks in right to the core of boilies, pellets and floaters producing a prolonged release of attraction.

Key Features

• Deep red colour with a super spicy taste •
• Ideal for surface fishing •
• Perfect for coating boilies or pellets •
• PVA Friendly •


“For me, Cap Oil is a massive edge that I incorporate into my fishing during the warmer months in various ways. It makes a great soak for floaters, as well as boilies, and really amplifies the pulling power of both.”

  • PVA

  • High
    in Oil

Best time to use:

Available in:


The Krill Active Mix

As the name suggests, The Krill Active Mix is a highly attractive groundbait, which becomes incredibly active once submersed in water.

The Krill Floaters

Thanks to a unique coating process, which involves two individual layers, The Krill Floaters pulse out attraction and draw carp into your swim.

Pellets Pellets

Designed to complement the boilie range, The Krill Pellets undergo a two-staged coating process which ensures they constantly leak attraction.

Liquid Foods Pure Calanus Hydro

Pure Calanus Hydroslate is one of the most exciting steps forward in marine derived protein sources in many years.

Liquid Foods Pure Tuna Hydro

The highly digestible and soluble proteins found within Pure Tuna Hydro are the perfect food source for carp and is perfect for year-round use.

Liquid Foods Pure Shrimp Hydro

This incredibly concentrated Shrimp Hydrolysate is packed full of super soluble amino acids and boasts a rich salty taste profile.