Our Hookbait Kits offer the ultimate in customisation, with the ability to make your own unique hookbaits, totally different to everyone else. Each kit contains everything you will need, apart from eggs of course however, to keep ahead of the game, the addition of a few extra ingredients can make a huge difference!

Spoonful of hookbait kit
Fork mixing hookbait mix

Hookbait Kit Includes:

400g Hardened Hookbait Mix

30ml Attractor Liquid

5ml Measuring Spoon

Sticky Baits Hookbait kits
Manilla Hookbait KitThe Krill Hookbait Kit

 Optional Extras:

Pure Natural Betaine

Pure Natural Liver Powder

Pure Natural GLM

Pure Natural extras
Pure Naturals

Adding oil into hookbait mix


Finished hookbaits will not be shelf-life products. Ensure all baits are dried before either freezing for long term storage, or alternatively, soak in: Cap-Oil, Hemp Oil or L-Zero 30T to give them a shelf-life of around one month.


Use 3 large eggs (roughly 150ml of liquid egg) to make a mix using all 400g of the Hookbait Kit.

Do not exceed 10g of additional powdered additives per 50ml of egg, this can affect the finished hookbait texture.

Boiling Times

Use 3 large eggs (roughly 150ml of liquid egg) to make a mix using all 400g of the Hookbait Kit.


egg mixed in a bowl


Beat one large egg (roughly 50ml of liquid) in a large bowl

spoonful of liquid additive


Add 10ml of well shaken liquid additive using the spoon provided, along with any additives you wish to add from the Pure Natural range

mixed egg and liquid additive


Mix thoroughly, ensuring all the liquid and additives are evenly distributed

adding hookbait mix to bowl


Slowly add the mix, mixing as you go, until a tacky dough is achieved. It may be worth using your hands once the mix starts to form a rough ball

wrapped hookbait paste


Wrap the finished paste in cling film and place in the fridge to rest for 20-30 minutes

cork balls wrapped in hookbait paste


Form your chosen hookbaits by rolling the paste into the desired shape, or alternatively, use cork balls to form a cork ball pop-up

boiling water and stopwatch on phone


Add the hookbaits to boiling water and use our cooking time guideline overleaf; cooking times may vary depending on hookbait sizes

hookbaits drying on a rack


Remove your hookbaits from the pan and set aside on a drying rack or tea towel to dry


To ensure your hookbaits are packed with pulling power, we recommend adding a light coating of matching Glug or Bait Spray to replace the small amount of scent lost in the cooking process. By using cork-balls to add buoyancy to your hookbaits, you can almost add as much liquid as you like, without affecting their buoyancy. This opens up a whole world of heavy liquids and additives which will ensure your hookbait stands out from your freebies in terms of attraction rather than colour, a perfect, super-effective big carp tactic.