OCCUPATION: TA General Manager
Manager of TA and carp catching machine, Scotty K, started his angling journey with a mackerel from a Scottish loch. This progressed to a deeper love for what lay beneath the depths of inland waters too, where he enjoyed float fishing for classic species.
The fishing bug soon turned into a monster and he grew wings, targeting the carp in Farnham Angling Society’s waters. No sooner had he passed his driving test, he was off further afield, fishing the likes of Yateley which almost turned into his second home. Nowadays he loves, like many, the reading area and focuses his attention on Dinton Pastures’ incredible stock of big fish. One thing’s for sure, no carp is safe with Scott around!

41lb 12oz

Spike – 52lb 2oz
Q. Favourite venue past and present?
A. Past: Frensham Ponds Present: The Dinton Complex
Q. If you could catch one carp dead or alive what would it be?
A. Yateley Car Park Lake’s Chunky
Q. Off the shelf hookbait or homemade special?
A. Homemade Specials
Q. Big windswept pits or small intimate waters?
A. Big windswept pits
Q. Spring or Autumn?
A. Autumn
Q. Favourite Sticky Baits product?
A. The Krill Freezer bait
Q. Pop-ups or bottom baits?
A. Bottom baits
Q. Favourite moon phase?
A. New Moon
Q. Three things you wouldn’t go fishing without?
A. Camera / A swiss hook file / Polaroids
Q. As a younger angler who did you admire in the carp angling world and why?
A. Ritchie Mcdonald for his story telling and sense of humour.