Designed to complement the boilie range, The Krill Pellets undergo a two-stage coating process which ensures they are constantly leaking attraction into the water column. Utilising a significant amount of pure Krill Powder, the pellets release small particles up from the lakebed drawing fish in from above.

Use as part of a spod mix, or on their own, with no limit to their use. By using liquid attractants along with the pellets, you can use them with method feeders with ease. What fish could resist a bed of pellets pulsing out attraction?


“These pellets are so versatile! They are awesome straight out of the bag for solid PVA bags. Additionally, I also like to scald them with boiling water and wrap the paste around my leads which is a great edge. ”

  • Fishmeal

  • Active

Best time to use:

Available in:


The Krill Active Freezer

The Krill Active Freezer has a paste like outer coating, made from super soluble liquids and powders, which releases attraction instantaneously.

The Krill Cloudy Liquid

Cloudy Krill Liquid is a natural liquid which, once submersed in water, creates a cloud of attraction close to the lakebed.

The Krill Dumbells

Designed to replicate our Krill boilies, The Krill Dumbells are made using the same base-mix, only with added soluble attractors.

The Krill Spod & Bag Mix

The Krill Spod and Bag Mix includes our incredible Krill Pellets and Krill Powder, along with several other marine derived proteins.

The Krill Active Shelf Life

The Krill Active Shelf Life has a super soluble and attractive paste wrap and is the biggest step forward in off-the-shelf bait for decades!

The Krill Active Pop-Ups

The Krill Active Pop-Ups are the ultimate Active Pop-Up, featuring a fluffy, light outer-coating, which has a neutral buoyancy.