Fluoro hookbaits are most anglers’ go to tactic when it comes to the cooler months. It is easy to explain too; carp are cold blooded creatures. Therefore, the temperature of the water affects their immune system massively. In cooler water, carp are less inclined to eat, as it takes a lot longer for them to process their food. This is why a fluoro hookbait fished either as a single or amongst a small bed of bait can be a killer tactic. Our range caters for everything an angler would need, small subtle hookbaits for zigs or ronnie rigs as well as larger alternatives for hinge and chod rigs. Choose from pop-ups or perfectly balanced wafters to suit your angling situation.

We have picked out some specific hookbaits from our range, which have accounted for huge amounts of fish throughout winters gone by!


The original Signatures need no introduction; they are proven fish catchers even in the harshest of conditions. Containing no less than ten liquid additives as well as two powdered fruit palatants, they smell simply divine! The versatile mixture of white, pink and yellow makes these hookbaits a must have in your winter armoury.

Pineapple &

Pineapple hookbaits have been around for years and they are as effective today as they were back when they first landed on the scene. By combining the killer flavour with n’butyric acid, these hookbaits take some serious beating. Finished in a bright yellow colour, they are guaranteed to catch the carps’ eye.

Peach &

Orange is a highly effective colour, and when combined with the warm fruity flavouring of Peach Melba and black pepper essential oil it simply screams big carp. With so many people opting for white, yellow or pink hookbaits in the winter, orange is a great alternative!


Buchu -

These in your face pink numbers contain one of the best attractor packages we have ever put in a hookbait. The combination of a unique essential oil and palatant blend produces a pungent fruity aroma. This mixture contains renowned sulphur compounds as well as a feed inducer to produce one of the most potent fluoros on the market.


Often thought of as a warm water hookbait, our Signature Squid range works just as well in the winter as they do in the summer. Containing a special Squid and Octopus flavour, along with a unique attractor package containing hydrolysed squid extract along with a multitude of other soluble fish proteins, extracts and palatants. The result leaves a bait which simply oozes big carp, that isn’t just a flavour, it’s the complete package!