Often copied; never bettered! Our original Bloodworm range is heralded as the best of its kind and it still works just as well today as it did many years ago.

Utilising only the finest ingredients, results in a rich deep-red paste with a potent aroma. The paste of course compliments the Bloodworm range perfectly, with the addition of a natural preservative at the optimum level which prolongs the life of this bait for the angler’s convenience.

Pulling power and attraction are optimised thanks to a specifically fast breakdown time which makes the Bloodworm Paste an ideal product to wrap around your hookbaits. Furthermore, it can be used in its own right, and, by using it with mesh you can make it last a bit longer. Not just limited to carp angling, Bloodworm Paste can be used for all manner of coarse species and is particularly useful on rivers for chub and barbel.


“Paste is a bit of a forgotten bait, but it is a great edge when applied properly. I like to use paste balls as feed, especially on pressured lakes. You can introduce loads of attraction into your swim with minimum feed, which can be a really effective method.”

  • Fishmeal

  • Bottom

  • Highly

Best time to use:

Available in:


Bloodworm Glug

Any hookbaits that are left to soak in the Bloodworm Glug are given a real boost of attraction, which releases constantly over a prolonged period of time.

Bloodworm Pellets

Made famous by the revered Underwater DVDs, the Bloodworm Pellets are still just as effective today as they were all those years ago.

Bloodworm Dumbells

Designed to replicate our Bloodworm boilies, Bloodworm Dumbells are made using the same base-mix, only with added soluble attractors.

Bloodworm Bait Spray

The Bait Spray range has been designed as an alternative attractor to supplement the liquids already in each range and to seriously boost attraction!

Bloodworm Shelf Life

Bloodworm Shelf Life - the original and best bloodworm-based bait on the market today. Our Bloodworm range is often copied but never bettered!

Bloodworm Spod & Bag Mix

Bloodworm Spod and Bag Mix includes our incredible Bloodworm Pellets, along with blood plasma and several marine derived proteins.