1st April 2022
Grant Dilloway ends a dry spell on the Essex Manor with a hard-won Zig capture!
The weather has been incredibly changeable over the last few weeks, with spring battling against winter fiercely and there doesn’t seem to be a middle ground. The weather is either unseasonably warm or the complete opposite and all of that often has a detrimental effect on the behaviour of the carp. Whilst the weather is like this the carp spend a lot of their time drifting around in the middle layers not really doing a lot. This is where Zig fishing comes into its own and Grant Dilloway knows this only too well after his recent result from the Essex Manor.
The Bait Spray range has been designed as an alternative attractor to supplement the liquids already in each range.

Grant said:
“It has been incredibly hard work on the Manor this winter, for whatever reason, the fish just aren’t getting caught with any regularity. In fact, when I turned up for my most recent session, I don’t think it had done a fish for a couple of weeks. The cold raised water and changeable conditions really affected them, and they clearly weren’t interested in feeding so I went straight in with a Zig rig approach.
“I arrived Friday evening just as the light was going, but after looking really hard there were no signs to go on. Having been on the lake regularly, I knew where the fish had been and so decided to just get as close as I could in the hope they were still there. Not seeing any point in getting the bait bucket out, I deployed three Zigs at varied depths to the section of water I believed the fish to be in. With three bits of foam soaked in Mulbz Bait Spray sat out in the inky blackness, I just kept my fingers crossed as I went to sleep for the night.
“At 1.30am I was awoken by a violent take, a strange occurrence on Zigs which took me by complete surprise! The fish was seriously angry, hence the vicious bite, and ran me ragged around the pond for a good while. After getting me into every snag on the lake almost, it eventually succumbed to the net. I was absolutely buzzing to get one while the lake was fishing so hard and at 33lb 12oz I was made up.”