3rd March 2022

Max Whitehall hits the ground running on Linch Hill, landing two of the most sought-after carp in Christchurch!

When Oxfordshire is mentioned in carp circles, two fisheries come to mind straight away and that’s Linear Fisheries and Linch Hill. The latter is a little more exclusive, having reverted back to a syndicate ticket and as such it’s often the venue local anglers tackle once they have cut their teeth on Linear. This is exactly what Max Whitehall did, as he recently acquired a Linch ticket, setting his sights on Christchurch Lake. Despite being young, Max knows how to catch a few, so it came as no surprise that he continued his run of form on Christchurch.

The Bait Spray range has been designed as an alternative attractor to supplement the liquids already in each range.

Max said:

“After deciding to concentrate on Linch Hill this year, I was as keen as ever to make a conscious effort to visit the lake and get a feel for the place. Speaking to regular anglers and those who’ve fished it for many years, it was clear I’d have to be on my game and be on the ball if I was to rub shoulders with them on a venue which is renowned for being a busy complex, especially in spring.

“This particular session coincided with the crazy storm we had a few weeks back; I just knew myself and my dad needed to get down and make the most of the conditions! After arriving on the lake, it was obvious other anglers had beaten me to it, and the majority of them had set up on the end of the strong south-west wind, which left a huge lack of pressure at the opposite end. I walked around and although I saw no signs of carp, it just felt right and like I said, the other end of the lake was just too busy.

“After a quick set up, I flicked some Signature Squid zigs out in the open with minimal disturbance, I knew zigs were a great tactic for the time of the year so it was a no brainer to start with these. Mid-afternoon some came around, and out of the blue the middle rod pulled up tight and signalled a take! Straight away the rod lunged over in full battle curve and stripped line from the spool. My dad watched in disbelief as the fish kept powering off, and I knew deep down it was a good fish. It must’ve been on for a good twenty minutes, until finally it started to slow, and I could gain control. As it surfaced a rod length out, the length of the carp shocked me, and my nerves were shot to pieces! My dad scooped the fish up, and I instantly knew I’d got one of the better ones. The size of its tail blew me away, and the length of it too! It turned out to be a fish called the Baby Slate, weighing 37lb on the nose. It was the perfect capture to back up Hartley’s from my previous session too! Two bites, and two of the most sought-after already in the album for 2022, awesome!”