keeping it light

8th April 2019

A light but accurate baiting approach pays dividends for Stephen French on Gigantica’s Road Lake.

A light baiting approach using The Krill has paid off for Stephen French!

Early season French trips can be tricky blighters to get right; you simply never know what the weather will do and, in turn, what the carp will do! Thankfully, an angler with a good amount of French knowledge, Stephen French, managed to yet again outwit some Gigantica carp on his most recent visit to the famous complex. This time opting to fish the Road Lake, Stephen notched up nine fish, topped by a brace of fifties of 52lb and 52lb 4oz.

Speaking about his success, Stephen told Sticky: “As the fish were only just waking up, I went in with a very light baiting approach. I used solid PVA bags to great success on this session, over a small amount of crumbed Krill Shelf Life boilies. I kept my hookbait small too, with Krill Wafters proving too much to resist for the Gigantica residents. In total I had one twenty, three thirties, three forties and the brace of fifties. I had to move around a bit to ensure I stayed on the fish, but this is the norm in the early season.”