22nd January 2021

Adam Raveney continues his run of form, even with day-only restrictions!

Adam Raveney hasn’t halted in his relentless pursuit of a day-session whacker and, it seems his persistence has paid off, and in some style! It just goes to show, that if you can get out fishing, it is well worth it, as you certainly won’t catch them at home!

This devastating boilie comprises of a staggering twenty-five different ingredients including a couple of little gems to which we attribute the bait’s immeasurable success.

Adam explains:

“I have really been getting into my days only fishing recently, it is a little extra effort, but it’s really starting to pay off. After a productive day last week, which saw me land some of the lake’s smaller residents, I thought l had to be getting close to one of the better ones.

“So, with this in mind I decided on baiting heavy the day before, giving them a free feed. This definitely seems to be the right approach at the moment and my last trip couldn’t have been a better example. On this occasion, I baited up with approximately 4kg of Krill boilies over the two spots I’ve been fishing. I did this in the afternoon, with the aim to return at first light.

“The next morning came and once in the swim, I catapulted no more than a handful of boilies out, before casting a boosted hookbait and tiny mesh bag out to one of the spots. The mesh bags were full of attraction, thanks to a mix of broken boilie, Pure Liver Liquid and Bloodworm Pellets.

“I had barely finished sorting out the left-hand rod when I had a twitch on my right-hand rod, I thought it was probably just be a liner, but as I looked down to check, the line whipped up tight and the clutch started ticking away!

“The fish hit the surface immediately and straight away I knew it was a good one! An epic battle followed with the fish tearing from one side of my swim to the other, before picking up a big clump of weed close in. Eventually, I felt the relief of watching it roll into the net and I wasn’t to be disappointed.

“On the scales, it weighed in at an impressive 39lb 4oz, a true winter whacker and I couldn’t have hoped for a better start to the day. Unfortunately, nothing else happened that day but making the most of days only certainly has its rewards.”